Fact Or Fiction: Russell Brand Proposes To Katy Perry

Fact Or Fiction: Russell Brand Proposes To Katy Perry

I don't know about this: Russell Brand and Katy Perry truly seem to enjoy being together, but it feels a little fast for marriage, don't you think? Yet, according to the UK version of OK! magazine, Russell popped the question while Katy was visiting him in London last week. Apparently, she accepted, if this source is to be believed.

A source said: "They don’t know when the wedding will be but they are planning to make it in 2010 if the schedules can work."

I still can't imagine Russell settling down, but then, if you'd told me a year ago he would be in love with Katy, I would've laughed, so what do I know? LOL

What do you think: fact or fiction?

Fact Or Fiction: Russell Brand Proposes To Katy PerryFact Or Fiction: Russell Brand Proposes To Katy PerryFact Or Fiction: Russell Brand Proposes To Katy PerryFact Or Fiction: Russell Brand Proposes To Katy PerryFact Or Fiction: Russell Brand Proposes To Katy Perry



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