Some Things Never Change: Sophie Anderton Arrested For Being Drunk & Disorderly…
by Abdul Hamid Lembah Bujang
After an all day bender the self-confessed ex-cocaine addict decided a little trip to Paris would be fun. She obviously hasn’t seen the news recently, or read a paper because if she had she would have known the chances of her hopping on the Eurostar were slim to none.
Nevertheless the former model headed to Waterloo station in London all geared up for her impromptu mini break. Unfortunately, what Sophie failed to realise was the Eurostar doesn’t go from Waterloo anymore and Kings Cross has been its home for the last two years - Ooops!
When she was told she’d made a mistake she didn’t take it very well, in fact she flew into a rage and screamed, “Don’t you know who I am?”
She was subsequently arrested by the transport police who took her to Tottenham Court Road station where she was fined £80 and forced to spend the night behind bars. What a muppet eh!
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